Ahmet T. Kuru

Ahmet T. Kuru

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Ahmet T. Kuru (Ph.D., University of Washington) is the director of Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies and Professor of Political Science at San Diego State University. He was a postdoctoral scholar at Columbia University. Kuru is the author of Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey (Cambridge University Press, 2009), which received Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR)'s Book Award. He is also the co-editor (with Alfred Stepan) of Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey (Columbia University Press, 2012). Kuru's articles appeared in various journals including World PoliticsComparative Politics, and Political Science Quarterly. His recent book, Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison (Cambridge University Press, 2019) co-won the American Political Science Association's International History and Politics Section Award, received honorable mention of SSSR's Award, and was included in Times Literary Supplement's Books of the Year. It has been translated into Indonesian, Arabic, Persian, Bosnian, Dutch, French, German, Malay, Urdu, Bangla, Uzbek, and Kyrgyz.


Arabic - Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment
Arabic translation
Beirut: Arab Network for Research & Publication, 2021

Persian - Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment
Persian translation
London: Mehri Publications, 2021

Arabic - Secularism and State Policies toward Religion
Arabic translation
Lebanon: Arab Network for Research & Publication, 2012

Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey
Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey
edited by Ahmet T. Kuru and Alfred Stepan
New York: Columbia University Press, 2012

Türkiye'de İslam, Demokrasi ve Laiklik
Turkish translation: Türkiye'de İslam, Demokrasi ve Laiklik

Istanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2013 (full text)

Chinese - Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey
Chinese translation (complex characters)
New Taipei, Taiwan: Muses Publishing, 2017




Journal Articles (Selected)

2024. "Islamism and Nationalism: How Did Old Enemies Become New Allies?" Journal for Religion, Society and Politics (ZRGP), online first, November 8.

2024. "The Authoritarian State in the Muslim World: Comparative Insights From Ibn Khaldun and Stein Rokkan," Comparative Social Research, Vol. 36.

2022. "Muslim Politics Between Sharia and Democracy," Muslim Politics Review, Vol. 1, No. 1.

2021. "Bringing Ideas and Religions Back in Political Science: Contributions of Daniel Philpott," Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol. 19, No. 4.

2020. "Islam, Catholicism, and Religion-State Separation: An Essential or Historical Difference?International Journal of Religion, Vol. 1, No. 1.

2015. "Turkey's Failed Policy toward the Arab Spring: Three Levels of Analysis," Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 3.

2014. "Authoritarianism and Democracy in Muslim Countries: Rentier States and Regional Diffusion," Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 129, No. 3.

2012. "The Rise and Fall of Military Tutelage in Turkey: Fears of Islamism, Kurdism, and Communism," Insight Turkey, Vol. 14, No. 2.

2008. "Secularism, State Policies, and Muslims in Europe: Analyzing French Exceptionalism," Comparative Politics, Vol. 41, No. 1.

2007. "Passive and Assertive Secularism: Historical Conditions, Ideological Struggles, and State Policies toward Religion," World Politics, Vol. 59, No. 4.

Chapters and Essays (Selected)

2024. "Interview with Ahmet T. Kuru on Islamic Political Thought," in Ahmad Milad Karimi, ed., Falsafa. Yearbook for Islamic Philosophy of Religion (Verlag Karl Alber).

2023. "Rethinking Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United  States, France, and Turkey," in Jonathan Laurence, ed., Secularism in Comparative Perspective: Religions across Political Contexts (Springer).

2022. "Religious Diversity, Secularisms, and Ideologies: Comparing Western and Muslim Countries" in Joseph Marko, et. al., eds., Religion, State, and Law: National, Transnational and International Challenges (Brill).

2013. "Constitution, Presidentialism, and Checks and Balances: Turkey and the US," Turkish Review, Vol. 3, No. 6.

2012. (with Alfred Stepan) "Laïcité as an 'Ideal Type' and a Continuum: Comparing Turkey, France, and Senegal," in Kuru and Stepan, eds. Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey.

2012. "Assertive and Passive Secularism: State Neutrality, Religious Demography, and the Muslim Minority in the United States," in Allen Hertzke, ed., The Future of Religious Freedom: Global Challenges (Oxford University Press).

"There's never been a simple answer to the vexed question of why the Arab world fell so far behind after the brilliance of its early civilizations. Professor Ahmet T. Kuru's thought-provoking Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison (CUP) tackles the issue head on. According to the usual myths, the fault lies either within Islam itself or with western colonialism, but Kuru puts forward a bold new theory, arguing that from the eleventh century onwards, the alliance of religious orthodoxy with heavily militarized states gradually stifled intellectual and economic creativity. Progressive free-thinkers and independent entrepreneurs were marginalized, leading the Arab world to undermine its own future. Thinking of Russia and the Putin-Kirill partnership, I find myself wondering if his theory might apply equally outside the Islamic world."
Diana Darke, Times Literary Supplement Books of the Year 2022

"One of the top ten books on Islam in 2021."
Indonesia's Mizan Publishing, Top Ten Books on Islam Committee

"The very title of Kuru's book, Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment suggests a project beyond the scope of any one book or even author…Kuru leaves us with an appreciation of how deep-seated the causes of underdevelopment and authoritarianism may be, but also optimism that because these problems are institutional in origin, reforms are imaginable that do not interfere with the religious sensibilities of citizens."
M. Heisler and A. Chowdhury, Book Award Announcement, APSA IHAP Section Newsletter

"This book provides a fantastic deep dive into the longue durée of Islamic history to explain why underdevelopment and authoritarianism are so prevalent in the contemporary Islamic world. Kuru offers a novel theory that focuses on how an alliance between religious (Ulama) and state officials led inexorably to economic underdevelopment and political authoritarianism in the Muslim world. The book is a powerful response to those who assert that Islam is inherently anti-intellectual and authoritarian, as well as those who contend that colonialism and neo-colonialism are solely responsible for whatever problems exist in the Muslim World. The book is very rich in historical detail and a model of what the historical-institutionalist method offers."
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2021 Book Award Committee, Honorable Mention

"Kuru's book is an important corrective to Habermas' work by reminding us of 'what is missing,' both with regard to conceptual precision and with regard to the theme. Therefore, it is recommendable to read Kuru's book in parallel with Habermas' work, where Islam is conspicuously absent and where problematic aspects of certain forms of religiously motivated 'social integration' are not adequately communicated."
Gunnar Skirbekk, Religion in Modern Societies

"[Kuru's book] has taken the Muslim intellectual world by storm…What is the lesson to be drawn from Kuru's rich and fascinating book? He says, there is no other way than to have an open and democratic society, a competitive economy. This is not westernization, on the contrary, it is totally in line with the spirit of Islam…Wise words from this brilliant Muslim scholar."
Julia Suryakusuma, Jakarta Post

"…the citations are a gold mine…it might be helpful to not look at this as a book, but rather more of a proposal for a research program. And, due to Kuru's fastidious and comprehensive approach, he succeeds at both! The result…is a masterpiece and a gift to the field."
Ann Wainscott, Politics and Religion

"Kuru's book is an important and bold intervention in a vital question that has received scholarly attention for a long time…I would recommend the book to anyone interested in the transformation of the relationship between Islam, economy, and politics through centuries."
Gulay Turkmen, Peace Review

"Kuru's Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment offers a succinct yet full overview of multiple centuries of political and intellectual history. It will give scholars of historical political economy much to ponder in thinking about trade, religion, and state building in the Muslim world and beyond."
Elizabeth R. Nugent, Political Science Quarterly

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment is a tour de force that lays out the broader context for the failures of the contemporary Muslim world and the ways in which religion can shape political outcomes."
A.Kadir Yildirim, Perspectives on Politics

"Kuru…undertakes an ambitious and, on balance, successful analysis of the ills of the authoritarianism, economic backwardness, and religious violence that plague 49 Muslim-majority states."
John Waterbury, Foreign Affairs

"[Kuru's] central point concerning the damage caused by the entanglement of religious and political actors is a fresh and convincing perspective in a debate that has become circular and stale."
Claire Sadar, Ahval

 "Kuru's new book is a ground-breaking history and analysis of the evolution of the state in Muslim countries. Thoroughly researched and accessibly written."
James M. Dorsey, New Books Network

"Kuru does an excellent job showing that a reversal of fortunes did indeed happen, and it was not just the result of colonization…Another one of the great strengths of Kuru's tome is the documentation of the ulema-state alliance."
Jared Rubin, Economic History EH.net

"A magnum opus; it appears to be a product of painstaking inquiries, enormous bibliographical research, nuanced historical comparisons, and interdisciplinary analyses."
Serhan Tanrıverdi, Turkish Studies

"A well-researched and meticulously written book that provides significant insights."
Erdem Dikici, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations

"[Kuru's] book is a must-read study for anyone interested in political science, history and various other social science branches…I must stress the exhaustiveness of this book's bibliography."
Ahmet Erdi Öztürk, Democratization

"[Kuru's] volume is well suited for anyone interested in the Middle East, the Islamic world, or political and development theory—Highly recommended."
Joud Alkorani, Choice

"Without doubt, Kuru's book is a must-read study and a pivotal source."
Abdelaziz El Amrani, Hespéris-Tamuda

"Kuru's [book] is well-structured; [its] citations also reveal his immense research over a diverse array of sources."
Mustafa Aslan, KULT_online

"[Kuru's] book conveys a refreshing and nuanced historical analysis."
Therese Sefton, Journal of Peace Research

"[Kuru] challenges arguments that see Islam as the cause of low levels of socioeconomic development in Muslim-majority states."
Bassem Aly, Al-Ahram Weekly

"This is a must-read book for those who are eager to learn the root-causes of stagnation and turmoil that have swept through most of the Muslim-majority countries."
Dilshod Achilov, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies

"...presents a fresh and thorough historical analysis of an intriguing thesis."
Laura Welty, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics

"[A] well researched and thought-provoking book."
Ammar Ali Qureshi, Dawn

"Ahmet Kuru has done an amazing job of navigating through the academic minefield with aplomb in answering some of the questions that many even would not dare to pose. Kuru's work should be lauded and be part of essential reading for many areas of pedagogy."
Dipak Gupta, Terrorism and Political Violence

"Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment, provides a careful and nuanced view of contemporary problems in Muslim-majority countries, avoiding the easy but erroneous simplicity of grand theories, while still providing highly valuable insights. It is meticulously researched, clearly argued and a great addition to any bookshelf."
Emily Silcock, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

"[T]his is a fascinating, complex and rich book, which provides an innovative and revealing new analysis of the intersection of Islam, authoritarianism and underdevelopment. Ahmet T Kuru has done a sterling job of identifying how the secularists and Islamist actors have both contributed to the enduring marginalisation of intellectuals and the bourgeoisie in Muslim societies."
Asif Mohiuddin, The Muslim World Book Review

"According to Kuru's thesis, an unholy alliance of religious scholars and statesmen is mainly to blame for the authoritarianism and backwardness of the Muslim world."
Musa Bagrac, Qantara

"Kuru's attempt to go after big questions has given us an indispensable book for anyone who may want to understand past, present, and future of Muslim societies."
Turan Kayaoglu, The Review of Faith & International Affairs

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment is undoubtedly a very important contribution with many provocative arguments. This book has likely already secured a place in any syllabus on Muslim societies."
Gokhan Bacik, Digest of Middle East Studies

"This book is a worthy read that will be appreciated by a wide audience…Anyone looking for a summary of the development of Islamic political thought and the sociopolitical contexts in which these developments occur will also appreciate this book."
Christopher D. Raymond, European Political Science

"…a well researched.., provocative book. [It] will be a tough pill to swallow for many Muslims, especially the "ulema" who still enjoy absolute control and influence of the Muslim narrative."
Ataul Fatir Tahir, Al Hakam

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment brilliantly presents a case for explaining the roots of the problems in the Muslim world with the ulama-state alliance…Kuru's work is without doubt a momentous, groundbreaking contribution to the study of the Muslim world as well as Islamic intellectual history."
Mustafa Gökçek, Global Intellectual History

"Kuru backs his claims with an impressive bibliography…[I]t is the broad nature of the work, in addition to the author's avoidance of post-modernist jargon, which makes the book such a delight to read."
John Calvert, Journal of Church and State

"This is a well-documented study that offers a fresh perspective on the history of the construction of the ulema-state alliance. The fifty-four-page bibliography may explain the author's commitment to creating an inclusive approach to a global intellectual tradition."
Rana Osman, The Maydan

"Kuru's volume is an impressive study and welcome addition to the ongoing discussion of the different political, economic, and social trajectories of the Muslim world and Western Europe."
Courtney Freer, Middle Eastern Studies

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment is an excellent work. Rich in details with academic vigor, the book will find its place on the shelves of various disciplines. Kuru's engaging style makes the reading a rewarding, joyful experience."
Mustafa Gürbüz, Arab Studies Quarterly

"Kuru is thorough…[H]e gets his facts right, presents his history fairly, and also covers all major relevant interpretations and arguments. The book provides a comprehensive guide to earlier attempts to answer the question of what went wrong, as well as advancing Kuru's own answer. And that answer is argued convincingly."
Mark Sedgwick, Journal of Religion in Europe

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment is an objective study that disarms postcolonial scholars, Islamists, and Islamophobes in their bizarre analyses of the backwardness of the Islamic world. A skillful rendering, the book can be adopted in undergrad and graduate classes for a broad range of humanities and social science majors. In the end, the book is a must-read for all Muslims and people who are interested in religion and politics in general and development in particular. I cannot recommend it enough!"
Saeid Golkar, Global Policy

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment is an instant classic and a testament to what comparative-historical methods can achieve. Kuru combines the analytical tools of process tracing, path dependence, and critical junctures with a rich bibliography in several languages to provide a focused and clear narrative that spans more than a millennium. It is an outstanding academic achievement with a significant message for contemporary politics within and beyond the Muslim world."
Efe Peker, Governance

"This is not a book of the superiority of one religion over the other, neither of one 'world' over the other; instead, it is a historical analysis of what went wrong in distinct historical periods. The extensive literature on Islamic religion and its intellectuals reinforces the book's most immense contribution: its insight on the religion–state historical construct of eleventh century Islam."
Eleni Pothou, Critical Research on Religion

"[Kuru's book] develops a novel argument and provides a meticulous and well-presented empirical analysis to support it. It encompasses the themes of importance to scholars and practitioners of diverse disciplinary expertise in International Studies – from conflict studies, to democratization, international development, and history. This book has already quite deservingly received a prestigious Jervis-Schroeder Award of APSA's International History and Politics Section in 2020 and will be of interest not only to the scholars of Islamic studies but many others interested in political and socioeconomic problems at the global level."
Renat Shaykhutdinov, International Sociology

"Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment is a very important study with many provocative arguments that go far beyond the area of religion and politics...Another strength of the book is the comprehensive list of related literature, documents, and the detailed references given both in the text and, together with some comments, in the footnotes. Whatever your entry point might be, you cannot read more than a page or two before you find yourself immersed in a world of ideas that have shaped social science research and theory over the past several decades."
Bulat G. Akhmetkarimov, Politics and Religion Journal

"[An] iconoclastic book."
Faizur Rahman, The Hindu

"[Kuru's analysis] is based on a considerable amount of data from different disciplines, methodical and systematic comparisons with the theses of other researchers, and a stimulating comparison with other civilizations." 
Michele Brignone, Oasis (also published in Italian & French)

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment has already found its way onto the syllabi of undergraduate and graduate seminars, but it should be of interest to a much broader audience of all readers interested in Islam and politics. Very few books can so beautifully weave diverse disciplinary insights together in such an accessible way. Kuru's work will go on to be one of the key references in the fields of Middle East studies and Islamic studies, as well as those of politics and religion in general."
Hakkı Taş, Journal of Law and Religion

"The book is ambitious in every imaginable way. Kuru poses a really momentous question, covers an expansive geographical space, traces a long historical period, and yet manages to propose a neat answer, provide an incredible array of empirical materials to back up his claims, and goes beyond the restrictions of his scholarly specialty and thereby transcends the academically well-established borders and walls…Kuru's Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment is an admirable work of scholarship."
Birol Başkan, Bustan: The Middle East Book Review

"Looking ahead, Kuru offers Muslims four excellent recommendations: acknowledge the problems of authoritarianism and underdevelopment; blame neither imperialism nor Islam for them; focus on the damage the ulema-state alliance does to intellectuals and entrepreneurs; and develop ideas for 'economic restructuring based on productive systems that encourage entrepreneurship'."
Daniel Pipes, Washington Times

"I welcome the author's anti-authoritarian proposals to revisit the freethinking of the Golden Age of Islam and liberalise the Muslim world, but contest Kuru's apparent pro-capitalist orientation. In this vein, the writer's recommendations could be radicalized to converge with the "Idea" of a global anarcho-communist movement."
Javier Sethness, The Commoner

"Ahmet Kuru helps situate Pakistan within a broader context of authoritarianism, underdevelopment, and ongoing conflicts in Muslim countries."
Pervez Hoodbhoy, Dawn

"Kuru's first visit to Kuala Lumpur for the book launch of the Malay translation generated a lot of controversies."
Farouk Musa, Kajian Malaysia 

"NSA Ajit Doval & M J Akbar at the Launch of Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," DNN24, New Delhi, February 3, 2025.

"Book Launch of Hindi Edition: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," New Delhi Book Fair, February 2, 2025.

Ramananda Sengupta, "What Do Islam and The Trump-Musk Alliance Have in Common?" Strat News Global, February 2, 2025.

"From History to Hospitality: Renowned Scholar Dr. Ahmet T. Kuru on His India Visit," DNN24, February 1, 2025.

"Ahmet Kuru: India Interview," Awaz - The Voice, New Delhi, January 31, 2025. 

"Book Launch of German Edition: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," Bruno Kreisky Forum, Vienna, January 27, 2025.

"Populism, Islamism, and Nationalism," Zahra Institute, Chicago, January 20, 2025 (video talk).

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: Now Translated into Urdu," Haider Mehdi, December 22, 2024.

"Hajj in extraordinary heat: what a scholar of Islam saw in Mecca," The Conversation, July 9, 2024 (article).

"Ahmet Kuru: Golden Age of Islamic Civilization & Downfall," Bari Science Lab, July 8, 2024 (video interview).

"Exploiting religion for political gain won't bode well for any faith, says scholar," Free Malaysia Today, June 7, 2024 (interview).

"Why were my M'sia and Indonesia visits different?" Malaysiakini, May 2, 2024 (article).

"Did Istanbul elect Turkey's new leader?" Jakarta Post, April 4, 2024 (article).

"My Malaysia ordeal shows how religion can fuse with populist nationalism to silence dissent," The Conversation, March 1, 2024 (article).

"Black liberation and Palestine with Prof. Butch Ware," San Diego State University, February 6, 2024 (Zoom event).

"Ulama-state alliance may lead to authoritarianism, underdevelopment, says scholar," Free Malaysia Today (FMT), February 1, 2024 (interview).

"I'm a practicing Muslim critical of assertive secularism, says academic," FMT, January 22, 2024.

"Interview with Prof. Ahmet T. Kuru," Islamic Renaissance Front, January 15, 2024.

"US-based scholar claims he feared arrest at KLIA," FMT, January 11, 2024.

"Democracy, Authoritarianism & Civilization - Ahmet T. Kuru," Lestari Hikmah, Malaysia, January 7, 2024 (video of in-person event).

"Book launch by US academic cancelled after 'pressure from conservatives,'" FMT, January 6, 2024.

"Can Passive Secularism Be a Middle Ground Between Assertive Secularism and Islamism?" Islamic Renaissance Front, Malaysia, January 6, 2024 (video of in-person event).

"Keynote of Prof. Ahmet Kuru: Political Islam and Authoritarian Nationalism," Muenster University, November 29, 2023.

"Muslim sceptics, the West and democracy," Qantara, November 6, 2023 (article). 

"Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment: Ahmet T. Kuru," Webinar with Pervez Hoodbhoy, The Black Hole, October 3, 2023.

"Ahmet Kuru: Bosnia can play an important reform role in the Muslim world," N1 TV Bosnia, August 15, 2023.

"Islam, Democracy and Development," ACMES, University of Amsterdam, May 10 (video of in-person event).

"The Golden Age and the Contemporary Crisis in the Muslim World," University of Leiden Islam Blog, May 2, 2023 (article).

"Islam and Liberal Democracy in Global Perspective with Ahmet T. Kuru," WZB Berlin Social Science Center, March 2, 2023 (video of in-person event).

"Turkish President Erdoğan's grip on power threatened by devastating earthquake," The Conversation, February 18, 2023 (article).

"Op-Ed: How blasphemy laws are used to serve political ends," Los Angeles Times, February 3, 2003.

"5 elections to watch in 2023 – what's at stake as millions head to the ballot box around the globe," The Conversation, December 26, 2023 (article).

"Protests in Iran: Rethinking Sharia and Democracy," Qantara, December 20, 2022 (article). 

"Why Istanbul's mayor was sentenced to jail – and what it means for Turkey's 2023 presidential race," The Conversation, December 15, 2022 (article).

"The Future of Ulama-State Alliances by Ahmet Kuru," State Islamic University in Yogyakarta, November 8, 2022 (video of in-person talk).

"Religions and Minority Rights: Ahmet Kuru's Address to G20's Religion Forum," Bali, Indonesia, November 3, 2022 (video of in-person talk).

"The Ulema-State Alliance in Crisis by Ahmet Kuru," Indonesia's International Islamic University, October 31, 2022 (video of in-person talk).

"Group of 20's Religion Forum: Conversation with Ahmet Kuru," James Dorsey, October 31, 2022 (video interview).

"Ahmet Kuru's Talk at Freedom Institute in Jakarta Library," October 30, 2022 (video of in-person talk).

"Islam, Authoritarianism & Underdevelopment with Ahmet Kuru," Awaz The Voice, October 28, 2022 (video interview).

"Review Essay: The Ulema and the State in Qatar, the UAE, and Egypt," Maydan, October 6, 2022.

"Blasphemy Laws in Islam and in Muslim-majority Countries: Ahmet Kuru," CSID, September 23, 2022 (video talk).

"Ahmet Kuru: Why Are Muslim States Failing in Science & Discovery?" Al Ahkam Inspire, September 16, 2022 (video interview).

"Why Muslim Countries Are Quick at Condemning Defamation – But Often Ignore Rights Violations Against Muslim Minorities," The Conversation, June 12, 2022 (article).

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment — with Ahmet T. Kuru," New Lines Magazine, May 23, 2022 (video interview).

"Book Panel on the Malaysian Translation of Ahmet Kuru's 'The Ulema-State Alliance' Report" Lestari Hikmah, April 21, 2022 (opening speech by Malaysia's Foreign Minister).

"Why are Islamic Societies not Progressing? - Ahmet T. Kuru," The Pakistan Experience, April 1, 2022 (video interview) 

"Uyghurs in China: Sean Roberts' Webinar Moderated by Ahmet Kuru," SDSU, March 8, 2022.

"A Young Secularist Generation Is Emerging in the Muslim World," Ahval, February 25, 2022 (video/podcast interview). 

"What Explains Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment in the Muslim World?" Central Asian Analytical Network, George Washington University, February 20, 2022 (interview).

"Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Webinar with Robert Hefner, Zainal Abidin Bagir, and Ahmet Kuru," January 27, 2022.

"The Best Books on Islam and the State Recommended by Ahmet T. Kuru," Five Books, January 25, 2022 (interview).

"Dr. Ahmet Kuru: Some Interpretations of Islam Stunt Development," Pakistan's PTV News, January 13, 2022 (TV interview).

"Understanding the History and Politics behind Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws," The Conversation, December 10, 2021 (article).

"Ahmet Kuru: Passive Secular, Assertive Secular & Islamic States," University of Leipzig, Germany, December 9, 2021 (video talk).

"Turkey Should Avoid Return to 'Assertive Secularism' after Erdoğan - Ahmet Kuru," Ahval, November 18, 2021 (interview).

"Interview with Ahmet Kuru: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment" Indonesia's Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, November 17, 2021.

"Islam, Democracy and the Pandemic," Membaca Indonesia Kontemporer, October 16, 2021 (video talk).

"Dismantling the "Ulema-State" Is Crucial for the Future of Muslim-majority Countries," The New Arab, October 11, 2021 (article).

"Blasphemy & Apostasy Laws in Muslim Countries: Ahmet Kuru in DC Panel & India Webinar," YouTube, October 8, 2021 (video talks).

"How the World's Biggest Islamic Organization Drives Religious Reform in Indonesia – and Seeks to Influence the Muslim World," The Conversation, September 23, 2021 (article).

"Book Dissection on 'Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment,'" Islamic Renaissance Front, Malaysia, September 22, 2021 (video talk).

"Taliban Perpetuate Muslim World's Failed Governance Paradigm," Korea Times, September 9, 2021 (report review).

"Ahmet Kuru: Secularism & Islam in France & the US," BBC World News, September 8, 2021 (TV interview).

"9/11 Twenty Years On: Muslims in the West – the Cultural Go-Betweens," Qantara, September 8, 2021 (article). 

"French Parliament Adopts Controversial Law to Battle Islamist Separatism: FRANCE 24 English," July 27, 2021 (video interview).

"Perplexing Puzzle: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," Global Institute of Law, July 26, 2021 (video interview).

"Ahmet Kuru: Erdoğan Seeks Rents in Kanal Istanbul, But Rentierism Has No Future," Ahval, July 18, 2021, (video interview).

"Islam and Liberty Network (ILN) Talk Show: Discussing Dr. Ahmet Kuru's Book," June 13, 2021 (video interview).

"The Intersection of Blasphemy Laws and Institutional Religious Freedom: Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Turkey," Religious Freedom Institute, May 28, 2021 (policy report).

"Univeristy of Graz, Austria: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," May 20, 2021 (video talk).

"Ahmet Kuru: Early Muslims More Open to Diversity, Creativity!Jakarta Post, May 12, 2021.

"University College London: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," March 9, 2021 (video talk).

"Book Panel," Indonesian International Islamic University, January 20, 2021.

"Authoritarianism and underdevelopment in the Islamic world: Islamic clerics and statesmen in an unholy alliance," Qantara, December 15, 2020.

"Interview with Ahmet Kuru on his new award winning book: Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment," International Studies Association, Religion and IR Section's Blog, December 5, 2020.

"Webinar Panel: International Journal of Religion Launch," IJOR, November 27, 2020.

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment with Persian Subtitles," Iran's Tahlil Bazaar, November 22, 2020 (video interview).

"Ahmet Kuru: Why are Muslim-majority countries more authoritarian and less developed?" Hoshimov's Economics, November 14, 2020 (video interview).

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," India's Islamic Forum for the Promotion of Moderate Thought, November 6, 2020 (video talk).

"Stanford University: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," October 30, 2020 (video talk).

"Islam perfectly compatible with development: San Diego State University professor," Tehran Times, October 27, 2020 (interview).

"Beheading in France could bolster president's claim that Islam is in 'crisis' – but so is French secularism," The Conversation, October 20, 2020.

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison," Policy Punchline (Princeton University), October 7, 2020 (video/podcast interview).

"How Can Muslims Stop Living in History? GVS Exclusive Interview with Prof. Ahmet T. Kuru," Global Village Space, October 2, 2020.

"Ahmet Kuru on Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment," Turkey Book Talk, September 29, 2020 (podcast interview)

"What Caused the Decline of Muslim Civilization? Interview with Dr. Ahmet Kuru," Pakistonomy, September 19, 2020 (video interview).

"Princeton University: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment (Book Talk), Ahmet Kuru" (video talk).

"Ahmet T. Kuru on his book 'Islam, Authoritariansim & Underdevelopment'," Interview with Haider Mehdi, August 22, 2020 (video interview).

"Professor Ahmet Kuru: Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment," Brown Pundits, August 7, 2020 (podcast interview).

"Non-Fiction: The Decline of Muslims," Ammar Ali Qureshi, Dawn, July 26, 2020 (book review).

"Hagia Sophia, Islamism, and Secularism in Turkey," Georgetown University, Berkley Forum, July 17, 2020.

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," Youtube, May 11, 2020 (video book presentation)

"Turkey Releasing Murderers – But Not Political Opponents – from Prison Amid Coronavirus Pandemic," The Conversation, April 23, 2020.

"Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," New Books Network, March 25, 2020 (podcast interview).

"Execution for a Facebook Post? Why Blasphemy Is a Capital Offense in Some Muslim Countries," Yahoo News, February 20, 2020.

"Execution for a Facebook Post? Why Blasphemy Is a Capital Offense in Some Muslim Countries," The Conversation, February 20, 2020.  

"A Review of Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison," John Waterbury, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2020.

"Turkish Academic Offers Intriguing But Controversial View of Muslim World," Claire Sadar, Ahval, February 9, 2020 (book review).

"Why Muslim-majority Countries Need Secular Citizenship and Law-making," openDemocracy, February 3, 2020.

"An Interview with Ahmet Kuru," Cambridge University Press, January 21, 2020 (video interview).

"MidEast Book Breakfast with Ahmet T. Kuru," Peace Research Institute Oslo, November 28, 2019 (podcast talk).

"New Text: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," Jadaliyya, November 18, 2019

"Book Talk: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," Harvard Kennedy School, November 12, 2019.

"Islam Was Not the Solution: The False Promises of the Islamic Revival," Siyasa, November 4, 2019.

"Why Underdevelopment in the Muslim world?" Al-Ahram Weekly, October 10, 2019.

"Muslims Need Critical Self-Reflection: Beyond Essentialism and Postcolonialism," Georgetown University, Berkley Forum, October 3, 2019.

"Islam and Institutional Religious Freedom," Religious Freedom Institute, Cornerstone Forum, September 27, 2019.

"Erdoğan Plans to Take Ankara and Istanbul - Professor Kuru," Ahval, August 27, 2019 (podcast interview).

"SEPADPod With Ahmet Kuru," Richardson Institute, August 26, 2019 (podcast interview).

"How Two Islamic Groups Fell from Power to Persecution: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey's Gulenists," The National Interest (blog), August 21, 2019.

"How Two Islamic Groups Fell from Power to Persecution: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey's Gulenists," The Conversation, August 20, 2019.

"Is Religion-State Separation Possible in Islam?" Cambridge University Press Blog, June 13, 2019.

"Why is Turkey Torn between the United States and Russia?" openDemocracy, June 11, 2019.

"Religious Freedom in the Middle East," Religious Freedom Institute Panel, May 29, 2019 (video talk).

"Turkey's One-Man Rule Will End with the End of the Man," Ahval, April 22, 2019 (podcast interview).

"The Islamist Regime and the Emergence of a New Secularist Generation in Turkey," Georgetown University Berkley Forum, April 15, 2019.

"Islam and Democracy in Turkey: Analyzing the Failure," Montreal Review, December 2017.

"Alfred Stepan (1936-2017), Democracy, and Islam," openDemocracy, October 3, 2017.

"Regional Diffusion, Rentierism, and Authoritarianism in Turkey," POMEPS Studies, No. 21. 2016.

"Egypt's Transition Two Years Later: A Turkish Perspective," Brookings Trip Report, January 29, 2013.

"Passive and Assertive Secularism," Montreal Review, February 2012.

"Secular States and Religions: Comparing the United States, France, and Turkey," WBUR (Boston's NPR), December 4, 2011.

"Headscarf Politics," Wilson Quarterly, Winter 2009.

"Beyond the Headscarf," Immanent Frame, May 9, 2008.


(News), February 1, 2025, Awaz – The Voice, تدشين النسخة الهندية لكتاب "الإسلام والسلطوية والتأخر" في معرض نيودلهي الدولي للكتاب

(Article), November 26, 2024, Al Jazeera Net, مزيج متفجر من ثلاث حركات يهدد المسلمين

(Article), July 17, 2024, Awaser, الحج في شدة القيظ: تأملات عالم اجتماع أمريكي مسلم

(Article), November 13, 2023, Qantara, قطيعة بين الغرب والعالم الإسلامي بسبب حرب غزة؟

(Article), December 20, 2022, Qantara, إعادة النظر في الشريعة والديمقراطية في إيران والسعودية والعالم الإسلامي

(Interview), October 19, 2022, Nohoudh Center, الإسلام والدولة العلمانية: هل العلاقة ممكنة؟

(Report), August 5, 2022, TBI, تحالف العلماء والدولة: عقبة أمام الديمقراطية والتنمية في العالم الإسلامي

(Interview), August 4, 2022, Awaser, حوار مجلة أواصر مع المفكر أحمد ت. كورو حول العلمانية والإسلام والنهضة

(Article) June 28, 2022, Awaser, لماذا تسارع البلدان الإسلامية إلى إدانة الإساءة للمقدسات بينما تتجاهل انتهاك حقوق الأقليات المسلمة

(Article), January 18, 2022, Al Araby Al Jadeed كيف تقود أكبر منظمة إسلامية الإصلاح الديني في إندونيسيا؟

(Interview), December 18, 2021, Hafryat, بعد أردوغان.. تركيا بين الاسلامية المتشددة والعلمانية الحازمة

(Interview), December 17, 2021, Ahval, بعد أردوغان، تركيا بين الاسلامية المتشددة والعلمانية الحازمة

(Letter), December 1, 2021, Awaser,  هل كان أبو حامد الغزالي مسؤولا عن تدهور الحضارة الإسلامية؟

(Article), October 22, 2021, Al Araby Al Jadeed, تفكيك تحالف "العلماء" والدولة حاسم لمستقبل البلدان المسلمة

(TV program), October 9, 2021, Belqees TV الاسلام والعنف والاستبداد والتخلف

(Interview), September 24, 2021, Awaser, حوار مع د. أحمد ت. كورو حول كتابه الإسلام والسلطوية والتأخُر: مقارنة عالمية وتاريخية

(Article), September 11, 2021, Qantara, مسلمو الغرب مفتاح تبديد النفور بين عالمين غربي وإسلامي وصفة لعلاج الإسلاموفوبيا وعداء الغرب 

(Report review), September 10, 2021, Al Arab, تحالف الدين والدولة يريده المتطرفون والمعتدلون على حد سواء في العالم الإسلامي

(Book review), August 10, 2021, Ahval, تسييس الإسلام سلطوية وتخلف

(Article), August 7, 2021, Awaser, من السلطة إلى الاضطهاد، الإخوان المسلمون في مصر وأنصار غولن في تركيا

(Video talk), August 3, 2021, الإسلام والسلطوية والتأخر: أحمد ت. كورو

(Op-ed), May 18, 2021, Qantara, القرآنُ لا يدعو لعقاب مدنسي المقدسات بل السلطانُ

(Book Review), April 21, 2021, Awaser, الإسلام والسببية والحرية: من العصور الوسطى إلى العصر الحديث" مُراجعة كتاب"

(Article), March 16, 2021, Zat Masr, فصل الدين عن الدولة.. علمانية جوهرية في الإسلام وتاريخية عند الكاثوليك

(Book review), December 27, 2020, Qantara, سبب تخلف المسلمين ليس الإسلام ولا الاستعمار: سلطوية تحالف مشؤوم بين رجال الدين والدولة

(Interview), December 14, 2020, Al Jazeera Arabic, لماذا تقدم الغرب وتأخر المسلمون؟.. الجزيرة نت تحاور المفكر أحمد ت. كورو حول العلماء والتجار والحضارة 

(Op-ed), November 22, 2020, تداعيات خطاب ماكرون: أزمة "إسلام" أم أزمة "عِلمانية فرنسا"؟

(Interview), November 16, 2020, حوار مع البروفيسور أحمد ت. كورو: العلمانية والإسلام في فرنسا

(book review) February 13, 2020 أكاديمي تركي يطرح وجهة نظر مثيرة للجدل عن العالم الإسلاميأ, كلاير سدر, حوال تركية

(book review) March 19, 2016 العلمانية وسياسات الدولة تجاه الدين, هيثم مزاحم, جريدة الحياة

(book review) December 4, 2013 العلمانية وسياسات الدولة تجاه الدين, مركز نماء للبحوث والدراسات


"Ahmet Kuru za "Avaz": Islam nije suprotstavljen zapadnim vrijednostima," Dnevni Avaz, October 9, 2023.

"Zapadni imperijalizam nije jedini način dominacije," Oslobodjenje, August 19, 20223.

"Al-Gazalijev utjecaj na propadanje islamske civilizacije," Dialogos, July 4, 2022.

"Arapsko-islamski utjecaj na uspon Zapadne Evrope," Dialogos, June 10, 2022.

"Benjamin Nurkić: Islam, autoritarizam i nerazvijenost," Dialogos, January 8, 2022 (book review).

"Najveća islamska organizacija na svijetu pokreće vjerske reforme u Indoneziji i pokušava djelovati u cijelome svijetu," Dialogos, October 8, 2021 (article).

"Islam i sekularizam u Francuskoj: Da li je Macron u pravu?" Dialogos, October 24, 2020.

"Zašto se u nekim muslimanskim zemljama izlazak iz vjere kažnjava smrtnom kaznom?" Panorama, September 2, 2020.

"Ahmet T. Kuru: Samo politički i finansijski nezavisna ulema može donijeti promjene," Al Jazeera Balkans, August 30, 2020.

"Ulema "Zlatnog doba" islama: finansijski i politički neovisni individualci," Dialogos, July 1, 2020.

"Da li je u islamu moguće odvojiti religiju od države," Panorama, June 5, 2020.


学者:政教合一两者兼害   既损虔诚又使无能政客出头, 8TV Mandarin, July 7, 2024.

"Why Istanbul's mayor was sentenced to jail," Taiwan's Storm Media, December 20, 2022.

Review of "Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," Islam.org.hk, July 24, 2022

The translation of "How Two Islamic Groups Fell from Power to Persecution: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey's Gulenists": KKNews, August 20, 2019.

A review of the Chinese translation of Islam, Democracy, and Secularism in Turkey: Liberty Times Net, February 10, 2018.


"Ahmet Kuru: L’alliance entre les oulémas et l’État affaiblit les musulmans sur le plan scientifique et économique," Le Soleil (Senegal), 21 November 2024.

"Ahmet Kuru: Islam, autoritarisme et sous-développement," 11 October 2024 (video presentation).

"Comprendre les causes du sous-développement du monde arabo-musulman: Entretien réalisé avec Ahmet T. Kuru," CAREP, 10 October 2024.

"Ahmet T. Kuru: Autour de son ouvrage 'Islam, autoritarisme et sous-développement'," IISMM, 9 October 2024 (video of in-person talk).

"Islam, autoritarisme et sous-développement ​⁠avec Ahmet Kuru," Editions Fenetres, 1 October 2024 (video of in-person talk).

"À la Mecque, vivre le Hadj par une chaleur écrasante," The Conversation France, 17 July 2024 (article).

"Quand la religion et le nationalisme s'allient pour réduire au silence les voix dissidentes," The Conversation France, 1 April 2024 (article).

"Comprendre la « crise du blasphème » qui oppose les pays musulmans à l'Inde," The Conversation France, 14 June 2022 (article).

"L'alliance entre les oulémas et l'État dans le monde musulman," Esprit, June 2022 (article).

"L'alliance qui étouffe le monde musulman," Oasis, December 9, 2021 (book review).

"En Indonésie, la plus grande organisation islamique du monde promeut un islam modéré," The Conversation France, 13 October 2021.

"La décapitation en France pourrait renforcer l'affirmation du président selon laquelle l'islam est en " crise " – tout comme la laïcité française," Nouvelles du monde, October 20, 2020.

"Pourquoi le blasphème est-il passible de la peine capitale dans certains pays musulmans?" The Conversation France, March 12, 2020.

A review of Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey by Jean-Pierre Bastian, Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie religieuses, 2011 (no. 91-2).

"Entre l'État et les aires culturelles : la construction nationale au Turkménistan," Outre-Terre, 2006 (no. 16).


"Wenn Religion und Nationalismus sich miteinander verbinden," Der Standard, May 21, 2024 (article).

"Kommt es zum Bruch zwischen dem Westen und der islamischen Welt?" Qantara, November 8, 2023.

"Iran-Proteste 2022: Passen Scharia und Demokratie zusammen?" Qantara, December 20, 2022 (article).

"Abbau des Ulema-Staates ist entscheidend für die muslimische Welt," Islam Aktuell, June 7, 2022 (article).

"Die unselige Allianz zwischen Staat und Religion in der islamischen Welt," Der Standard, December 9, 2021 (article).

"Wessen Religionsfreiheit?" Falter, November 27, 2021 (interview).

"Eine humanitäre Islam-Reform in Indonesien?" Islam Aktuell, October 7, 2021 (article).

"20 Jahre nach 9/11: Muslime im Westen können zwischen den Kulturen vermitteln," Qantara, September 11, 2021 (article).

"Kriminalisierung von Blasphemie und Apostasie: Der Koran fordert keine Bestrafung von Gotteslästerung," Qantara, May 11, 2021.

"Autoritarismus und Unterentwicklung in der islamischen Welt: Unheilvolle Allianz von Klerikern und Staatsmännern," Qantara, December 14, 2020.

"Frankreich, die USA und der Islam: Mehr Säkularismus wagen," Zenith, December 2, 2020.

"Warum Blasphemie mit dem Tod bestraft wird," islam-aktuell.de, May 13, 2020.


"Haji di Tengah Panas Ekstrem: Ini yang Saya Temukan Sebagai Seorang Akademisi," islami.co, July 12, 2022 (article).

"Mengapa Kunjungan Saya ke Malaysia dan Indonesia Berbeda?" Kompas, April 29, 2024 (article).

"Apa yang saya alami di Malaysia menunjukkan bagaimana agama dapat menyatu dengan nasionalisme populis untuk membungkam perbedaan pendapat," The Conversation, March 15, 2024.

"Politik penistaan: Mengapa Pakistan dan beberapa negara Muslim lain gencar memperketat hukum penistaan agama," The Conversation, February 13, 2023 (article).

"Prof. Ahmet T. Kuru: Agama dan Politik di Abad ke-21 Harus Bela Hak-hak Mereka yang Tertindas," islami.co, November 9, 2022 (article).

"Prof Ahmet Kuru: Pemenuhan Hak Minoritas Tunjukkan Agama Berfungsi sebagai Solusi," NU Online, November 3, 2022 (news).

"Mengapa negara-negara mayoritas Muslim cepat merespons dugaan penistaan agama, tetapi sering mengabaikan pelanggaran terhadap hak Muslim minoritas?" The Conversation, June 23, 2022 (article).

"Ahmet Kuru: Relasi Islam dan Negara—Konteks Historis dan Perkembangan Kontemporer," CRCS UGM, June 13, 2022 (interview).

"Ahmet T. Kuru dan Masa Depan Peradaban Islam," Generasi Peneliti, March 6, 2022 (book review).

"Mengapa Umat Islam Tertinggal?" Neswa, February 11, 2022 (book review).

"Aliansi Ulama-Negara Hambat Demokrasi dan Pembangunan di Dunia Muslim," Sindo News, December 28, 2021 (article).

"Top Ten Buku Islam Pilihan Mizan 2021," Nuralwala, December 27, 2021 (best books announcement).

"Wawancara dengan Profesor Ahmet T. Kuru: Sekularisme Turki Pasca-Erdogan & Perlunya Belajar Kepemimpinan Ormas," Jawa Pos, November 26, 2021 (interview).

"Tesis Kemunduran dan Kemandekan Islam," Alif, November 5, 2021 (book review).

"Muhammadiyah Disebut 'On the Track' Lahirkan Intelektual Independen," Suara Muhammadiyah, October 23, 2021 (book panel summary).

"Diskusi Buku; Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: Karya Ahmet T Kuru," IMMAR Foundation, October 22, 2021 (book panel).

"Islam, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan: Tenggelam dalam Romantisme Sejarah," Ekspresionline, October 14, 2021 (book review).

"Bagaimana Nahdlatul Ulama memprakarsai reformasi Islam dan berupaya menyebar pengaruh di dunia Muslim," The Conversation, October 5, 2021 (article).

"Resensi Buku: Islam, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan," Kumparan, September 15, 2021 (book review).

"Aliansi Ulama-Negara Hambat Demokrasi dan Pembangunan di Dunia Muslim," Civil Society Watch, September 5, 2021 (report summary)

"Islam Bukan Solusi: Janji Palsu Kebangkitan Islam," Redaksi Indonesia, August 19, 2021 (article).

"Otoritarianisme Hancurkan Tradisi Islam Demokratis," Tirto, July 19, 2021 (video interview).

"Ahmet Kuru: Tradisi Islam Demokratis Hancur oleh Otoritarianisme," Tirto, May 24, 2021 (interview).

"Teori Baru Kemunduran Peradaban Islam," Jawa Pos, May 16, 2021 (book review).

"Mengapa Dahulu Islam Berjaya Di Bidang Sains?" Tirto, May 7, 2021 (animated video interview).

"Pemikiran Alternatif Ahmet Kuru Terkait Stigma pada Islam," Republika, April 30, 2021 (book review).

"Menguak Keterbelakangan Dunia Muslim," Iqra, April 29, 2021 (book review).

"Menelisik Kemunduran Masyarakat Muslim," detikcom, April 16, 2021.

"Akar Krisis di Dunia Islam: Kemerosotan Intelektual Berkepanjangan," Tirto, March 29, 2021.

"Islam, Otoritarianisme dan Ketertinggalan: Perbandingan Lintas Zaman dan Kawasan Dunia Muslim," Nuralwala, March 15, 2021.

"Aliansi Ulama-Negara," Media Indonesia, February 26, 2021.

"Agama: Dari Penghambat Menuju Penopang Kemajuan?" Beritalima, February 23, 2021.

"Caknurian Urban Sufism: Melacak Akar Ketertinggalan Dunia Muslim," February 12, 2021.

"Sebab Kemunduran Dunia Islam, Sampai Kapan," Duniasantri, February 5, 2021.

"Aliansi Ulama dan Negara Menjadi Indikator Ketertinggalan Negara Muslim," Arena, February 5, 2021.

"Esoterika: Islam, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan: Ulil Abshar Abdalla," January 31, 2021.

"Review Buku Islam, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan," IBTimes, January 23, 2021.

"Konflik Kekuasaan Menghambat Kemajuan Peradaban Muslim," Kompas.id, January 21, 2021.

"Radikalisme, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan Kaum Muslim (I)," Islam Santun, Janurary 14, 2021.

"Islam, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan: Pergulatan Islam dengan Kekuasaan," Forum Alumni Pelajar Islam Indonesia, January 13, 2021.

"Pengantar Buku 'Islam, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan' oleh Ahmet Kuru," Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, December 27, 2020.

Savran Billahi, "Arah Pluralisme Turki Setelah Hagia Sophia Menjadi Masjid," Sindonews, July 25, 2020.

"Menista agama bisa dihukum mati di beberapa negara Muslim, mengapa dianggap pelanggaran besar?" The Conversation Indonesia, February 28, 2020.

"Islam dan Kemerdekaan Beragama Institusional (II)," Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Republika, January 30, 2020 (partial translation of "Islam and Institutional Religious Freedom").

"Islam dan Kemerdekaan Beragama Institusional (I)," Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Republika, January 28, 2020 (partial translation of "Islam and Institutional Religious Freedom").

"Riset tunjukkan penyebab jatuhnya Ikhwanul Muslimin di Mesir dan gerakan Gulen di Turki begitu cepat," The Conversation Indonesia, August 29, 2019.

"Alfred Stepan, Demokrasi, dan Islam," CRCS, October 25, 2017.


"Islamisme dan Nasionalisme: Bagaimana Musuh Lama Menjadi Sekutu Baru? – Bahagian I, II, III," Islamic Renaissance Front, January 23, 2025.

"Apa beza kunjungan saya ke Malaysia, Indonesia?" Malaysiakini, May 3, 2024.

"Wawancara Bersama Prof. Dr. Ahmet T. Kuru," Islamic Renaissance Front, January 20, 2024.

"Dakwaan tekanan dari Turki: IRF lancar buku pemikir AS lepas IAIS tarik diri," Malaysiakini, January 6, 2024.

Farouk Mousa, "Jawapan kepada Khalif Muammar – Hujah mesti dibalas hujah," Islamic Renaissance Front, December 31, 2023.

Prof. Mohammed H. Kamali, "Kata Pengantar 'Perikatan Ulama-Negara : Punca Autoritarianisme & Kemunduran Dunia Muslim'," Lestari Hikmah, January 27, 2022 (foreword to my book).

"Turki perlu mengelak daripada kembali kepada "sekularisme jalur keras" (assertive secularism) selepas Erdoğan," Islamic Renaissance Front, November 22, 2021 (interview).

"Kepentingan Merungkai "Negara-Ulama" Untuk Masa Depan Negara Majoriti Muslim," Lestari Hikhmah, October 26, 2021 (article). 

"Islam dan Kebebasan Agama Berinstitusi," Islamic Renaissance Front, July 30, 2021 (article).

"Bagaimana Dua Gerakan Islam Jatuh Daripada Tampuk Kuasa Ke Tali Gantung : Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir & Gulenis Turki," Lestari Hikmah, June 25, 2021 (article).

"Mudarat Ulama Politik Bebani Dunia Islam," Lestari Hikmah, June 6, 2021 (book review).


Interview, از پیش‌رفت غرب تا پس‌ماندگی شرق, RASC News, January 3, 2024.

Book review, نگاهی به کتاب "اسلام،اقتدارگرایی و توسعه نیافتگی" از احمد ت.کورو, Tribune Zamaneh, February 10, 2023.

Article, مبانی ایدئولوژیک طالبان؛ دولت اکنون علما است , Aznews TV, September 25, 2021.

Interview, استاد دانشگاه کالیفرنیا در گفتگو با بازار, Tahlil Bazaar, September 24, 2021. Tahleel.

Article, اتحادی به سوی زوال, Tejarate Farda, August 15, 2021.

Translation of the blasphemy laws article: ماهیت سیاسی جرایم توهین به مقدسات و ارتداد, Markaz Annabaa, May 4, 2021.

Book review: اتحاد نامقدس دولتمردان و روحانیون مسلمان, Markaz Annabaa, December 16, 2020.

"Video interview on Islam book," گفتگوی ویژه با نویسنده کتاب «اسلام، استبداد و توسعه نیافتگی»/ جهان اسلام و ۴ طبقه دور از هم, Tahlil Bazaar, November 21, 2020.

Review of "Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment," اسلام، اقتدارگرای و توسعهنیافتگی, Farzin Zandi, Tejarate Farda, June 20, 2020.

"Interview with Ahmet Kuru," دین و دولت؛ اتحادِ اقتدار, Tejarate Farda, June 20, 2020.



"Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kuru ile İslam ve Siyaset Üzerine," Nida Dergisi, 1 Ekim 2023.

"Ahmet Kuru: 'İslam din ve devlet ayrımını reddetmez'..." K24, 2 Haziran 2022 (röportaj).

"Prof. Ahmet Kuru: Askeri zihniyet ulemayla çok iyi anlaşır," Artı Gerçek, 16 Ekim 2021 (video röportaj).

"11 Eylül'den 20 Yıl Sonra Batı ve İslam Dünyası," Kıtalar Arası, 13 Eylül 2021 (video röportaj).

"Türkiye'nin ihtiyacı güçlü ama "pasif" laiklik," Politikyol, 29 Eylül 2021 (röportaj).

"Ahmet Kuru: Ulema İslam toplumunda demokrasinin en büyük engeli," Artı Gerçek, 6 Eylül 2021 (video röportaj).

"İslam Dünyası ve Geri Kalmışlık," Ahval, 18 Nisan 2021.

"İslam Dünyası ve Geri Kalmışlık: Gökhan Bacık, Özgür Koca ve Ahmet Kuru," Kıtalar Arası, 17 Nisan 2021.

"Din ve Bilim İlişkisi: Türkiye ve İslam Dünyası," YouTube, March 27, 2021.

"Dindar Ama Ahlaksız Olmanın Nedenleri: Özgür Koca ve Ahmet Kuru Söyleşisi," Mart 1, 2021.

"Ahmet Kuru: Müslüman Ülkeler Neden Geri Kaldı?" İsa Hafalır ile Söyleşi, Münferit Fikir Platformu, August 23, 2020. 

"Devlet-Ulema İttifakı: Müslüman Ülkeler Neden Geri Kaldı?Euronews Türkçe, August 17, 2020.

İsa Hafalır, "İslam, Otoriterlik, ve Geri Kalmışlık Kitabı Özet ve Yorumu," Münferit Fikir Platformu, August 4, 2020.

"Müslüman Ülkeler Neden Daha Otoriter ve Daha Yoksul?" Claire Sadar, Ahval, 18 Şubat 2020 (kitap yorumu).

"Ergun Babahan, Gökhan Bacık ve Ahmet Kuru Tartıştı: İslam Dünyası Neden Geri Kaldı?" Ahval, August 29, 2019.

"Müslümanlar Neden Geri Kaldı? Prof. Ahmet Kuru ile Söyleşi," Işıl Öz, Medyascope, 15 Haziran 2019.

"Ahmet Kuru: "Osmanlılar Bilim ve Felsefe Konusunda Önemli Bir Başarı Ortaya Koyamamışlardır'," Engin Sezen, The Circle, 22 Mart 2019.


"Küresel popülizm ve Müslüman azınlıklar," Yeni Arayış, 17 Şubat 2025.

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Other Languages

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