students in pre-law society

Student Organizations

Pre-Law Society

The San Diego State University Pre-Law Society is a student organization that gives members the opportunity to network amongst each other and gain leadership experience. Their mission is to encourage and promote a career in law by preparing members to apply for law school and introduce them into the different fields of the law.

Dr. Kimberley Fletcher, Faculty Adviser
Office: NH 102

Learn more by visiting their website.


Pi Sigma Alpha

Pi Sigma Alpha is the national political science honor society. Its chapters are established in colleges and universities of accredited and recognized standing that offer the prescribed minimum of course work in political science. San Diego State’s chapter, Gamma Upsilon, was initially formed in 1959. It is a student-run organization that accepts applications to the honor society and organizes various activities throughout the academic year.

Download: Informational Flyer | Application Form

Dr. Kim Twist, Faculty Adviser


Political Science Student Organization

The Political Science Student Organization is open to all students with an interest in politics! The group meets biweekly during the semester.

Connect with them on Instagram

Dr. Kim Twist, Faculty Advisor


Political Science Graduate Student Association

The Political Science Graduate Student Association (PSGSA) hopes to provide academic and social support to the graduate students of the Department of Political Science, and also to promote their integration into the SDSU community. The members of the Political Science Graduate Student Association Council aspire to advance the interests of these students by hosting networking opportunities, informative events, and social meetings for its participants.

Dr. Kristen Maher, Faculty Advisor